FAQ for 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

What is 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

2FA is an additional layer of security that requires users to provide two different authentication factors to verify their identity. Typically, these factors include something you know (e.g., a password) and something you have (e.g., a code from a mobile app).

Why is 2FA important?

2FA adds an extra layer of security by making it more difficult for unauthorized users to access your account. This has become industry standard for systems that store sensitive customer data. Even if a password is compromised, an additional factor is required for access.

How does 2FA work?

After entering your username and password, you will be prompted to provide a second form of authentication using an Authenticator App. We support either Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator, two of the most secure and reliable authenticator apps in use by businesses today.

Will users need to enter a 2FA code every time they log in?

Users will need to use their Authenticator App to generate and enter a code every time they log in unless they check the box that reads “Trust this browser for 30 days.” If checked, they will not be prompted to enter a code in that browser for the next 30 days.

Is 2FA required for my site?

Yes, all ARchitect sites will require 2FA (except sites configured with single sign-on (SSO)). There will be a five-month period during which we can set up 2FA for your site upon request. If it has not been set up by April 30, 2024, it will be automatically implemented at that time. 

How do I enable 2FA for my Site?

To have 2FA enabled, reach out to our Support team at support@arinsights.com who can enable it. Once enabled, all users will need to go through the setup process of signing in, linking the authenticator app to their ARchitect account, and entering a code.

What should I do if I lose access to my 2FA device?

Reach out to our Support team who can validate your identity and unlock 2FA and get you back into ARchitect.

Is 2FA mandatory, or can I opt out?

Enabling 2FA in ARchitect ahead of the April 30, 2024 deadline is highly recommended but optional until the April 30, 2024 deadline. Please note: once your site is enabled, 2FA becomes mandatory for all users.

Will we need to use 2FA for ARchitect if our site uses SSO to log in?

No, if you use SSO to log in to ARchitect, you are authenticating on your company’s network and your site will not be set up with the new 2FA option. Your SSO login process may have its own 2FA but that is outside of ARInsights control.

How do I Log in Using 2FA and complete First Time Setup:

  1. Go to the ARchitect Login Screen and enter your Username and Password

  1. Since this is your first time setting up 2FA for your account, you’ll be guided through a few screens to set this up.

Click “Get Started” on the first screen.

  1. Step 1 is downloading one of the approved Authenticator Apps. This is the only way to use 2FA with ARchitect.

  1. Step 2 is to open the Authenticator App you downloaded and Add ARchitect. You’ll have the option to Add a new site by scanning the QR code on the screen.

Microsoft Authenticator Steps

    Google Authenticator Steps

After scanning the QR code and adding ARchitect to your Authenticator App, Click “Next”

  1. After scanning the QR code in your Authenticator App, you’ll see a new row added that says “ARInsights ARchitect: [Email Address]” with a code. This code will periodically refresh.

  1. Step 3 is to enter the current code from your Authenticator App on the ARchitect Login screen. Once you enter the code, click “Next”.

  1. Success! You’ll now be redirected to ARchitect automatically.

How to Log in Using 2FA when Already Configured:

  1. Go to the ARchitect Login Screen and enter your Username and Password

  1. Open the Authenticator App and enter the code from the ARInsights ARchitect row into the ARchitect screen.

There is an optional checkbox to “Trust this browser for 30 days” which, if checked, will not prompt you for the Authenticator Code on this browser for the next 30 days.