ARchitect Release Notes 2024.11 (July 24th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Introduced a new location filter with a real map on the influencer finder page
  • You can access your briefing books via the header under Influencers > Briefing Book.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Fixed the influencer group finder page to load all groups properly.
  • Addressed footer issues when viewing the topic snapshot.
  • Fixed issue where analytics reports were not updating correctly.
  • Fixed bug where email notification delivery cadence was not being saved.
  • Fixed cloning functionality for portal content when a content image is present.
  • Fixed the user dropdown selection in the task add/edit modal.
  • The email grid flyout does not remember the last sort setting.
  • Interactions are now displayed appropriately to the set date on the filter.
  • Made minor influencer finder tweaks for columns and sorting.
  • Continued improvements and changes made to Premium Content.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.10 (July 9th, 2024)

What's New?

  • We’ve updated the influencer finder page into Angular with saved views and more advanced filtering.
  • Users can create and load their influencer reports by navigating to Site > Saved Reports.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Added the ‘Is one of’ operator to the influencer group filter on interactions finder.
  • A filter for influencer group has been added to the insights finder.
  • Increased character limit for interaction titles to 255, matching the email title limit.
  • Addressed a bug where too many coverages in a group would run off the page on the right rail.
  • Slight adjustments made to 451 Research and IDC data feeds.
  • Changed how date was recorded for Zapier integration.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.9 (June 25th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Users can now add the AI Topic Snapshot in Word briefing books for their respective influencers with the following fields: topic, sentiment, and summary.
  • Project Manager is now available to all users, which includes stages to your projects.
  • Zapier users now have a new action: creating an insight.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Implemented a warning message "This Email Has Been Sent" to prevent duplicate email sends.
  • Removed the “Get Emails” column from influencer group finder page.
  • Changes were made to how we collect and ingest IDC data.
  • Ensured filters reset correctly when navigating to Premium Content links via notifications.
  • An “Is Empty” operator has been added for the tier filter in the interaction finder.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.8 (June 11th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Use AI to summarize and spellcheck your notes within your interactions.
  • Users can now assign coverages to their insights for added granularity and detail.
  • A coverage filter has been added as a dropdown to the Insights analytics reports.
  • Influencer group is a filter option under Portal Usage Detail and Manage Analyst Access in Portal Admin.
  • Export your notes from the Insights and Interactions finder directly as a field.
  •  An “Email Activity Feed” has been added under the Email top navigation that displays the last 7 days of delivered emails.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Coverage group dropdowns can be toggled on/off for insights as a setting.
  • Made improvements to the AI Topic Snapshot.
  • Fixed an issue where interaction update notifications were delivering to a disabled user.
  • Addressed a character limit for location and other participants inherited by a Google/Outlook add-on.
  • Custom fields no longer have the setting to be unique across all interactions on a site.
  • Continued improvements to Premium Content with source data integrity.
  • Slack notifications settings are now set properly when a frequency is chosen.
  • Fixed an issue where old filters were not deleted when loading topic summaries on the Premium Content finder.
  • Users can now delete influencers from groups when using the "group by" feature.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.7 (May 28th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Projects and Insights are now available for word briefing books
  • You can import your notes (docx.) and export your notes (docx/pdf)
  • Adjusted the size of the header to allow for more working screen real estate.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • We’ve added interaction ID as a column when exporting interactions from the finder.
  • Coverages are sorted in alphabetical order when opening the coverage group dropdown.
  • When exporting from the finder, the data is exported according to the sort and display of the column.
  • Fixed an issue where Slack notifications were not sending to proper channels.
  • The insights report under analytics are appearing correctly.
  • Other participants appear on the right hand rail under “Participants”

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.6 (May 14th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Export the recipients of a sent email from the flyout of the email finder.
  • Adjust the row height of the data in the interaction finder.
  • Row is highlighted when an email is selected on the finder for reference.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • We’ve re-added the ability to add new participants and new coverages on both the interaction and project edit pages.
  • Restored the pencil perception function for articles.
  • Readjusted the size of the table and graphic on the email analytics flyout.
  • Fixed the interaction count on the dashboard summary and the click-through.
  • Addressed issue where undelivered emails were marked as processed. 
  • Changed a handful of filters to be predictive type ahead instead of a dropdown.
  • All users will display as an interaction lead, regardless of status.
  • Removed the AR Primary language in remaining areas of ARchitect. 
  • Improvements made to our premium content feed.
  • Minor bugs with Outlook and Gmail add-ons were resolved.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.5 (April 30th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Introducing “Topic Snapshot” which uses AI to comb through our premium content and provide the top 5 topics covered by an analyst along with sentiment scoring.
  • With the new Insights Finder page, users can easily filter, sort and export their insights in one place.
  • The origin source of a created interaction now displays at the top of the edit page.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • The button to clone interactions is now back and live in ARchitect.
  • Updated to Zapier integration to include influencers, participants and coverages.
  • Addressed issue with disabled users set as an interaction lead.
  • Updated language that appears for our automated smart email capture confirmation email.
  • Coverage groups that appear on form across ARchitect display uniform for all users.
  • Removed the perception column in the relationship tile on the dashboard.
  • Fixed issue where email content flyout wasn’t displaying correctly for certain browsers.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.4 (April 17th, 2024)

What's New?

  • It’s time for Insights! Add, record and report on all of your insights right into ARchitect.
  • See new reports for your Insights under the Analytics menu.
  • Updated our interaction finders and interaction edit pages with our new Angular UI which includes our new advanced filtering, autosaving pages, and an enhanced notes field.
  • Our ARchitect emailer has been updated to Angular with a new flyout panel to get more details on your emails quickly.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Adding site private coverages now save correctly onto an Influencer’s profile.
  • With the introduction of Insights, we’ve converted existing perception records into Insight records.
  • Slack notification frequency settings are now respected when set by the user.
  • Changed the behavior behind a checkbox custom field being an optional field.
  • Analyst Portal Content viewed table is now reflecting correctly.
  • Initiator and AR Primary are now combined to one field called Interaction Lead.
  • Description is no longer a required field for interactions.
  • Removed the perception pencil from interactions.
  • Made changes to our LinkedIn data in Premium Content.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.3 (March 19th, 2024)

What's New?

  • Premium Content is now carrying research content from GlobalData, Analysys Mason and ISG.
  • Copy all of your site’s active users email addresses on the user finder.
  • Toggle between active/inactive users on the user finder.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Expanded our data sources for IDC, Gartner Peer Insights, and G2
  • Improved our vendor queries for more accurate data capturing for Premium Content.
  • Small tweaks to the participant group finder page.
  • Analyst Portal thumbnails without a correct source have been removed.
  • Disabled participants do not receive any email communications from Analyst Portal.
  • The redirect has been fixed for viewing all events for a specific firm.
  • Bulk updates for projects are working properly.

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.2 (February 21st, 2024)

What's New?

  • Modernized the grids for User Groups and Coverage Groups.
  • Added filters and columns for “Industry” and “Company Size” in Premium Content for Reviews
  • “Newsletter” type from LinkedIn has been added to Premium Content.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • URLs in our Angular grids redirect the user to that URL page.
  • Email replies are forwarded to the primary user if an alternate email is set for the site.
  • Cleaned up and removed any old links to the coverage group and user group finder in ARchitect.
  • UI changes to the coverage group edit and coverage finder grid pages.
  • Performance improvements and adjustments to our Premium Content ingestion feeds. 
  • Improved the loading speeds of the user finder grid.
  • Made all project related pages responsive when the window is adjusted.
  • Re-added the ability to add new participants on interactions with a required email. 
  • Added the clicks and percentage for category groups in the Analyst Portal analytics report.
  • You can report by coverage in the project summary analytics report.
  • Invalid custom field data is accepted properly when loading a project.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not create a new project from an interaction.
  • Displayed an icon properly in Premium Content for product reviews. 

ARchitect Release Notes 2024.1 (January 23rd, 2023)

What's new?

  • We are continuing our modernization efforts this year by introducing new Angular user finder and coverage finder pages under site.

Bug Fixes and Changes

  • Customizing your outgoing invitations for Portal can now be found under “Manage Communications” in the Portal Dashboard.
  • Users can change the “From” email address when sending out of ARchitect Emailer. Contact Support to set this up!
  • Premium Content notifications are now delivering successfully in Slack.
  • Cosmetic changes to the right rail of our Angular pages.
  • Cleaned up Premium Content data by mapping correct authors and coverages.
  • Support links at the footer redirect to our knowledge base.
  • Apply your filters on our new Angular grids by hitting enter.
  • Participants have been removed as a metric from the Portal Usage Summary report under Analytics.
  • Users with Project Manager can apply project templates to more than one project.
  • Minor changes to the form when analysts request access to an Analyst Portal.
  • Remove links that may direct the user to the old coverage finder.