• When you have finished updating your email or template in the Email Designer page, click Save in the top right hand corner.

  • Once you have saved your changes, scroll down to the Recipients section to select which influencers and participants will be receiving the email.

  • Once your recipients are chosen, scroll further down the page to select options such as Coverages and Projects to associate to the email, visibility settings, and advanced options such as Creating an Interaction when sent, and Sending a copy to Reply-To address.

  • Once you have updated your Options, you can send a test to any email. You can send as many as you like, please know that the emails will always come from "support@arinsights.com" and will not autofill any merge tags.

  • Once you have reviewed your Test Email, you can send the official email by either clicking "Send Email Now" or scheduling a time to send.

**Make sure to save your email in the New Email page if you will not be sending the email right away, or would like to edit further at a later time.  Failure to do so will result in a loss of work.

For information on maximizing email deliverability to influencers please see this article https://arinsights.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/63000276951