What are Influencer Profile Types?

Influencer profile types are categories that help define someone’s role. “Influencer type” is a required field when loading new influencer profiles in ARchitect. In ARchitect, a profile can be assigned 1 of 4 profile types:

  • Analyst: Professional influencers who work at an industry influencer firm or independently, or others who have authored research in the last year (does not include salespeople at influencer firms). 
    • Examples: research analyst, associate analyst, market analyst, IT market analyst, senior market analyst.
  • Consultant: Anyone who works as a consultant at a consulting firm or independently (excludes sales roles).
    • Examples: consulting director, consulting manager, consulting associate, consultant
  • Executive: Anyone at a company in any industry (except consulting or higher education) with a director, senior director, VP, SVP, EVP or C-level job title. This can include profiles of individuals at industry influencer firms if they haven’t authored research in the past year. 
    • Examples: director, senior vice president, executive vice president, president, CEO
  • Other: Anyone who doesn’t fit the categories above, such as individuals with sales, financial analyst, media, editor/writer, or higher education roles. 
    • Examples: sales manager, sales representative, client relationship manager, account executive, journalist, professor


What are Firm Types?

Firm types are categories that help define the type of services a company offers. “Firm type” is a required field when creating a firm in ARchitect. In ARchitect, a firm can be assigned 1 to 8 types: 

  • Advisory: Includes firms that employ advisors, do advisory-based research and offer advisory services.
  • Consulting: Includes firms that do not publish subscription-based research, but offer tailored client services. They may write sponsored research at client requests.
  • Financial: Includes venture capital/private equity firms, investment banks, securities houses, corporate finance or investment management firms.
  • Industry Analyst: Includes analyst firms, often small, boutique firms, whose business is focused on producing specific types of technology industry research.
  • Market Research: Includes generally larger firms that conduct broader research on market trends.
  • Media: Includes newspapers, magazines, online publications, blog sites, and other entertainment organizations.
  • Other: Includes all other types of firms that don’t fit in one of the above classifications.