When adding a content piece to your Portal, there is a required field where you will need to categorize that content. Because of this, adding content is a two-step process that includes:

  • Adding Categories/Category Groups
  • Adding Content

Categories and category groups are your way of organizing your Portal content pieces into concise topics. A common example of a category group would be “Products” and the categories within would be topics like “Computing” or “Cloud.”


How to Add A Category/Category Group

1. Hover over Site > Portal Admin > Categories, and click Categories.

2. First, click Add New Group to add a category group.

  • Type the category group name and hit save.

3. Next, click Add New Category to add a category.

  • Type a category name, select the category group that it falls into, and select an internal contact for any questions or inquiries within the category.


How to Add A Content Piece

1. Hover over Site > Portal Admin > Content. Here you will see a list view of all your content pieces.

2. To add a new one, click Add New Content in the top right-hand corner.

3. First, you must create a title, share a brief summary of the item, and include the full content text. 

  • All three of these are required fields.

4. In Content Details, you can add search terms, a public link, a public link display text, and a content image.

  • Search terms: Search terms are words you can choose to help influencers search for this content piece within the portal. For example, if the content is about cloud computing, then a good search term would be cloud and your company name.  
  • Public link: This is a link you can post to the content to direct the influencer to the resource. A common example would be a link to a full article or press release.
  • Public link display text: This will be visible, rather than the link text itself. For example, instead of reading www.arinsights.com, the link would display as “Learn more.” 
  • Content image: This image will show at the top of the content piece and can be included on your homepage view. 

5. In Category and Type, you can select what category the content piece falls into and what type of content it is.

6. In AR Contact, you can select a specific contact from your team to be contacted from this page. 

  • For example, if you are displaying a briefing deck, you can include the AR contact that ran the meeting. 

7. In Analyst Visibility, you can select specific influencers or influencer groups who have access to view the content pieces. 

  • For example, if you want to post a briefing deck for influencers on a specific call, you can add those influencers to view only.

8. In Content Availability, you can select the publish date and time and expiration date. Here, you can also check the publish checkbox, the “What's New” or “Featured” checkbox.

  • Featured content is displayed at the top of the homepage in a list view including the image. 
  • What’s New content is displayed at the bottom of the homepage in a list view.

9. In Content attachments, select the Add New Attachment button and upload or insert 

links, files, embedded videos, images or hosted videos.


ARchitect tip: To create more engaging content pieces, be sure to use the tools included in the HTML text editor like font types, charts, colors, etc.