Projects are a great way to aggregate interactions, articles, influencers, participants, documents, and notes into one consolidated place. Keep track of progress for events, product launches, campaigns, events, or other overarching themes. 


  • How to add a project
  • How to associate interactions with projects
  • Customizing your projects
  • Run a report on your project

How to add a new project

There are a few different ways to add a new project. You can drag over the Projects tab and hit the Add New Project within the Projects tab. When you are viewing Projects finder, calendar or report view, there will also be a blue button at the top that says Add Project. 


You can also add a new project when editing an interaction or applying a bulk update (up next!). To do so, hit the +New button in the Projects area:


The final way to create a project is by creating one from firm research. Here are the steps:

1. Scroll over the influencers menu and hover over the influencers section

2. Click the Firm Research Calendar tab

3. Filter for the research piece and select one

4. Click the Convert to Project button at the top right


How to associate interactions with Projects

There are three ways to associate an interaction with a project. One way to associate an interaction with a project is to use the projects section in the Interaction edit page. The second way is to use a bulk update on the Interaction finder page. The third way is to create a pre-filled interaction within the project that pulls the information already included in the project. Follow along to the video to discover the 3 different ways. 


Customizing your projects

If you do not have site administrator privileges, be sure to ask your site admin to make the changes for you. The two most common customizations for projects is changing Project Types as well as changing Project Status. This can be found by going to Site>Site Admin>Project Configuration.


Run a report on your project

See the progress of your projects with a Project Report. To create a project report, go to the Projects page and hit the reports tab on the right. Then you will have two choices, a custom Project report or a summary report.