What Are Interactions?

Interactions often represent different touches that have been made with an influencer like briefings, inquiries, emails, phone calls, or various kinds of meetings. To enter an Interaction, hover over the Interaction tab at the top and click onto Add New Interaction. Then fill out the following fields and save. 

Interaction Best Practices

  • Enter Interactions into the system as they occur instead of waiting. 
  • Always be descriptive in the Title of your Interaction to serve as a reminder to what it was.
  • For future reporting, try to associate as many appropriate coverage areas as needed to the Interaction. 
  • Don’t enter Interactions that are exchanged on when you are going to have a meeting/phone call etc. It is the meeting itself that needs to be captured.

ARchitect Tip: To make entering interactions faster, try the clone button on an interaction, download our email plug-in, or BCC us at architect@arinsights.com on your emails that you would like to record.