ARchitect's Influencer Database 

The ARchitect Influencer Database is updated daily. Once you find an influencer you are interested in, the Profile page has a lot of useful information such as general contact information, logged activities, and fields defined by you like comments and tiering.

ARchitect Tip: You can also add new activities like an interaction from the Influencer Profile by clicking on this button in the Activity tab.

How Do I Read an Influencer Profile?

A profile will look something like this:


They are generally pretty easy to read once you know the ARchitect definitions:

  • General Influencer info: Name, firm, title, location, email & phone number(s). Social Media Links
  • Interaction Ranking indicates the level of interaction this Influencer has had with ARchitect’s community of users. 
  • Publication Ranking represents how much this influencer has been publishing. Publication Ranking takes into account all research articles, media quotes, blog posts and tweets from ARchitect Premium Content
  • Coverages are a quick way to identify which topics an influencer covers.
  • Activity tab: this is where you can find all your Interactions, saved Articles, Emails, and Projects. Click the area you want to view and be sure to set to the time frame you want to view. Clicking the lock will set the default tab you want to open when reviewing any activity
  • Following: adds the influencer to the top navigation area “bookmarking” them to quickly view the profile.
  • Our Take: leave comments about this contact for your team members.
  • Groups: view/edit your groups from the profile. Relationship Manager: define who owns this relationship.
  • Privacy Options: keep record of “no email/call/Mailing”.
  • Private data: add site/group/user specific fields.
  • Tiering: add tiering to the influencer profile.